We assist our clients in developing innovative Branchless banking models

The financial service industry has seen a comprehensive change over the past decade. Particularly, the Microfinance sector has grown with the use of technology and the involvement of new actors in the sector from Mobile Network Operators and Fintechs to other technology solutions providers. While this trend carries great opportunities for financial service providers, it creates challenges in that most financial institutions do not have the capacity to incorporate technology-driven solutions.

We assist our clients: banks, microfinance institutions (MFIs), cooperatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in financial service provision to develop their branchless banking strategy through sustainable operating business models. Our technical assistance includes feasibility studies, design, and implementation of adapted branchless banking models including mobile banking, agency banking and mobile money services. We help the implementing organizations gather relevant partners to provide a strong value proposition to their clients.

IFA ensures that any models, products or services we help our clients design are sustainable in the long term and carry a strong business case for all those involved. In that regard, we assist our clients in financial modeling and in the development of business plans.

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