
Assistance to COMUBA, a microfinance institution in Benin, to conduct a market study for the design of an agricultural micro insurance product

Coopérative des Membres Unis Bethel Actions (COMUBA)

Training on the Digital Transformation process by microfinance institutions at the “Semaine Africaine de la Microfinance” in Lomé - Togo (2023).

Fondation Grameen Crédit Agricole

Assistance to CAURIE Microfinance, a microfinance institution in Senegal, for the implementation of health insurance products for the benefit of rural women clients of the institution, organized in groups (village banks)

CAURIE Microfinance

Support for the improvement of the Social Performance Management (SPM) system for CAURIE Microfinance a microfinance institution in Senegal.

CAURIE Microfinance

Training of credit officers/loan and recovery officers of a financial institution in Benin (IAMD Microfinance) on the theme: Deepening the methodology for setting up loans

IAMD Microfinance
Ghana & Burkina Faso

Analysis and case study of the “Input Finance” an agricultural business funding model in Ghana and Burkina implemented by AGRA.


Development of a training module intended for leaders of financial institutions involved in a digital transformation process.


Design of a strategy for offering micro insurance services to MSMEs operating in green and blue economies in Madagascar in collaboration with MFIs and insurance companies.

PNUD Madagascar

Support to COFINA Mali a microfinance institution in Mali for the development of a digital savings product (allowing it to better serve rural areas and low-income clients) and the improvement of the social performance of the institution.


Support to CooPEC SIFA a microfinance institution in Togo for the design and development of 7 financial education modules targeting rural women and capacity building of the CooPEC SIFA through the implementation of a training system.

Coopérative d’Épargne et de Crédit pour le Soutien aux Initiatives des Femmes pour l’Autopromotion (CoopEC SIFA )

Development of a business model for the integration of digital financial services to a digital information platform used by farmers and breeders in rural Burkina-Faso. The platform is setup by SNV Burkina in collaboration with Orange Burkina-Faso

SNV Burkina

Support for the formulation of a business plan for the period 2020-2024 including a strategy for incorporating digital financial services into the organization’s offer

Association des Caisses de Financement à la Base (ACFB)

Formulation of a project to support the regional strategy for Financial Inclusion in WAEMU countries

Bureau Régional de la Coopération Suisse

Technical assistance for building savings mobilization capacities (using digital finance)

GRAINE Microfinance

Evaluation of two digital platforms CARMES and MIFOS for microfinance institutions Digital Finance Strategy

Consortium Alafia

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